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The United Kingdom is well-known for its unique traditions, cultural intricacies and distinct institutions, one of which includes the concept of “bank holidays”. Today, we take these public holidays for granted, using them as convenient respites from work or as opportunities for family get-togethers, travel and relaxation. But have you ever wondered how these bank holidays originated? Let’s embark on a historical journey that leads us back to the seminal Bank Holidays Act of 1871, an Act of Parliament that laid the foundations of modern bank holidays.

Sir John Lubbock: The Advocate of Leisure

Before delving into the intricate details of the Act itself, it is worthwhile to shed light on the driving force behind it – Sir John Lubbock. An eminent banker, liberal politician, philanthropist and scientist, Lubbock is often hailed as the ‘Father of Bank Holidays’.

Born in 1834 to a wealthy banking family, Lubbock received an extensive education and had the privilege of being a protégé of Charles Darwin. His varied interests, ranging from archaeology to entomology, resulted in several significant contributions in diverse fields. Yet, amongst all his achievements, it is his instrumental role in the introduction of the 1871 Act that remains most vivid in the public memory.

Lubbock was a great advocate for workers’ rights and believed in the importance of leisure time for overall well-being. He sought a balance between labour and leisure, recognising that the overworked populace of his era needed statutory days of rest. The concept of ‘bank holidays’ was proposed as a solution to this issue.

The Socio-economic Climate Preceding the Act

Before we examine the Act in its full glory, it is essential to understand the socio-economic climate that prevailed before its introduction. The Industrial Revolution, which began in the mid-18th century and continued well into the 19th century, had transformed the United Kingdom into the world’s leading industrial and trading nation.

However, this economic prosperity had a darker side. Working conditions for the majority were harsh, with long hours becoming the norm, often stretching to six or seven days a week. The concept of ‘weekend’ as we know it today was largely nonexistent. Workers had little to no leisure time, which took a toll on their physical and mental health.

This is where Lubbock’s proposal of ‘bank holidays’ came into play. By advocating for days on which the banks and businesses would close, he sought to ensure that workers could have guaranteed days off from work, thus improving their overall well-being.

The Introduction and Details of the 1871 Act

On 27th February 1871, Lubbock introduced the Bank Holidays Bill to the House of Commons, with the intent of reducing overwork by allocating certain days in the year as statutory public holidays. After several rounds of debates and amendments, the Bank Holidays Act was passed by Parliament and received Royal Assent on 7th August 1871.

The Act stipulated four additional holidays to the common law holidays, which were already observed by the banking sector. These holidays were:

  1. Easter Monday: The day following Easter Sunday.
  2. Whit Monday: The day after Pentecost, a moveable feast in the Christian calendar.
  3. The first Monday in August: Known as Summer Bank Holiday.
  4. Boxing Day: The day after Christmas, provided it did not fall on a Sunday.

Interestingly, the Act did not include Good Friday and Christmas Day as bank holidays, as they were already recognised as common law holidays.

The Act applied to England, Wales and Ireland. Scotland followed a different tradition, observing New Year’s Day and Christmas Day as its main public holidays.

The Impact of the 1871 Act

The introduction of the Bank Holidays Act of 1871 marked a significant turning point in the recognition of workers’ rights in the UK. The legislation provided much-needed respite for workers and offered an opportunity for families to come together. It led to a cultural shift, embedding the concept of statutory public holidays within the British psyche.

The impact of the Act was profound and far-reaching, influencing not just the UK but also other parts of the world. Many countries, particularly those within the Commonwealth, adopted similar practices, reflecting the UK’s leadership in labour law reform.

The Evolution of Bank Holidays Post-1871

While the 1871 Act set the foundational framework for bank holidays in the UK, it underwent several changes in subsequent years. The Bank Holidays Act was repealed and replaced by the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. This Act continued the tradition of bank holidays and made further refinements. Notably, it designated the last Monday in August as a bank holiday, instead of the first. In Scotland, the first Monday in August remained a bank holiday.

Furthermore, New Year’s Day and May Day were added to the list of bank holidays in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the 1971 Act.


The 1871 Bank Holidays Act has had a lasting impact on British society and beyond, introducing a series of statutory public holidays that have come to be cherished by millions. What began as an effort to address the problem of overwork in the Victorian era has now become an integral part of our culture and tradition, a testament to the enduring legacy of Sir John Lubbock and his remarkable foresight. As we continue to enjoy these public holidays, let us not forget the historical journey that made them possible.