When Is Good Friday Bank Holiday?
In England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Good Friday Bank Holiday falls on Friday, 18th April 2025.
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Bank holidays in the United Kingdom are cherished days that often hold deep historical and cultural significance. One such public holiday is Good Friday, a day of considerable importance in the Christian faith and a bank holiday of equal significance in the United Kingdom. This article will explore the origins, evolution, and significance of Good Friday as a bank holiday.
Origins of Good Friday
To understand the genesis of Good Friday as a bank holiday, we must first delve into the roots of the day itself.
A Christian Observance
Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday, typically falling between March 20 and April 23. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary, an event documented in the New Testament of the Bible. The term “Good” in Good Friday is believed to be a transformation of the term “God’s Friday”, pointing to the day’s holy significance.
Early Observance and Traditions
The observance of Good Friday is believed to date back to the early days of Christianity, when it was commemorated with fasting and prayer. As centuries passed, various traditions associated with Good Friday emerged across different cultures, many of which persist to this day. These include the Passion Plays reenacting the crucifixion, the veneration of the Cross, the Stations of the Cross procession, and in some cultures, the act of mourning or sorrowful processions.
Good Friday and UK Law
The significance of Good Friday in UK law dates back to medieval times. It was traditionally viewed as a day of rest and religious observance, prompting early laws and edicts to recognise its import.
Early Legislation
Prior to the late 19th century, there wasn’t any formal concept of ‘bank holidays‘. However, Good Friday, due to its religious prominence, was acknowledged as a common law holiday. This recognition meant that most businesses and courts would not operate on this day.
Introduction of Bank Holidays
The Bank Holidays Act of 1871 was the first formal legislation in the UK to designate specific public holidays. Proposed by Sir John Lubbock, the act aimed to alleviate the pressures of the working class by assigning four additional days off from work. These were Easter Monday, the first Monday in August, Boxing Day, and Whit Monday. Notably absent from the Act was Good Friday, which was already widely observed as a holiday.
Good Friday as a Bank Holiday
Though Good Friday was a common law holiday and thus widely observed, it was not legally designated as a bank holiday until much later.
Legal Recognition
In the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971, Good Friday was formally recognised as a bank holiday in the United Kingdom, alongside Christmas Day. This Act replaced the previous Bank Holidays Act of 1871 and designated an expanded list of bank holidays.
Present-Day Observance
Today, Good Friday is observed across the UK as a bank holiday, meaning most people are given the day off work. The day continues to be observed with religious rites by Christians, and many use the long Easter weekend as a time for family gatherings, short vacations, or rest.
Cultural Significance
Beyond its legal status as a bank holiday, Good Friday holds a unique cultural significance in the United Kingdom.
Religious Observance
For Christians, Good Friday remains a solemn day of prayer and reflection, with church services often including readings of the Gospel account of the Passion, veneration of the Cross, and the receipt of Holy Communion. Some churches also hold processions or prayer vigils throughout the day.
Secular Traditions
Secular traditions have also sprung up around Good Friday in the UK. One such tradition is the consumption of hot cross buns, sweet, spiced buns marked with a cross, which are traditionally eaten on Good Friday.
The history of the Good Friday bank holiday is steeped in religious observance, cultural traditions, and legislative developments. From its early beginnings as a solemn day of Christian worship to its present-day status as a cherished bank holiday, Good Friday’s journey is a testament to the enduring impact of history on our modern lives. The day continues to hold a unique place in the UK calendar, reflecting a blend of historic reverence and contemporary observance.